Monthly Archives: July 2014


Smokers don’t need to be reminded that what they do will kill them,

they need to be reminded they are pushed a product disguised as choice

by companies who deal in drugs.

Advertised as habit to make it seem like giving up is easy.

But disgusting images and bold black letters

do little to deter those caught in the smoke.

Hidden under shutters to hide a drug that eyes can’t see

but the brain thinks it needs.

Its not enough to say don’t start.

Lets see whats really going on with smoke.

Children  employed   on farms for a pound a day

picking plants so poisonous it gives them cancer.

tobacco  companies open shop in countries

with human rights abuses so long whole countries

stopped TRADE with them.

Open lies told in open court.

There are no health risks to smoking.

Then there is the addiction

it’s easier to give up heroin then tobacco.

The reason 599 chemicals added to each cigarette

keep you hooked despite nicotine being naturally additive.

Smokers are social  pariahs maby,

but they were sold a product by drug dealers who walk free.

dealers disguised as corporations

who who deal you death.

Don’t start because you’re told not to.

don’t start because you’ll be feeding a monster,

money and that monster wants to exploit you.

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Filed under Education, Poems, Poetry, Smoking, Uncategorized

Basement Skate

The sound of your trucks as they grind

slide off years of ollied concrete in a echoed under croft

Tags and multiformed street art that’s been organically reforming

for forty years

Sweat drenched artists who take pride of place,

in a spot that’s brutal but made beautiful by their presence.

Adding youth culture to the already culturally rich heritage of the south bank.

The pride felt by those who fight concrete land snatchers

to keep intact their land that they grew and grow in.

To move them would be yet another nail in the coffin of youth.

Who don;t need any more humiliations

by those who lack comprehension,

of what it’s like to live in a city that takes every opportunity

to remind them that they are nothing more

then second class citizens.

Stand along side them to keep

the beat box

tricks and drops



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Filed under Poems